Victory Celebration

Welcome to our annual “Business Meeting”. Once a year we spend a whole morning celebrating what God is doing in the church and our community. Things will be a little different this morning, but we’re glad you’re here! Check out the live stream from this morning.

Guest Speaker – Landon Sutherland “What To Do Instead”

Too often we try to make sense of a situation that is stressing us out and lean on our own understanding. But trusting in the Lord with all your heart acknowledges that we Don’t know everything, that we may not understand, and that is OKAY… When I try to wrap my mind around stuff and try to understand and control the situation, then the outcome is based on me and what I do. That’s too much weight to bear.  My understanding is nothing compared to God’s, and if I let him carry the burden of outcome, then my load is light and the journey peaceful

Landon Sutherland